for a second I looked like josuke, good sketch♣
for a second I looked like josuke, good sketch♣
thx :D and yea i did make him look younger than he looks in the anime/manga lol
They look very original♣
Thank you you could even say inspiring too :)
Cute kuromi♣♥♠ nice draw♥
El mejor konejo jamas hecho.
Gracias! intento mejorar
her hair gives me a lot to think about o.o I like it
Thanks! ^^
Your blood?===♣(... questionable but--- great/
T'was collected only from pesky nosebleeds.
0 u <'
Not finishing watching yoyo is a sin. but this is great B)
the portuguese dub didnt dub part 5 yet so i never watched the rest, and now im just lazy to go back to it
Al original se le nota la falta de salud 💀 tremendo estilo
Gracias papu, antes tenia un estilo más crudo pero ahora trato de estilizarlo un poco
Providence is one of the most epic bosses in Calamity, and also one of my favorites along with the devourer of gods and nameles deity, this looks incredible!
It's one of my favorite bosses too
Incredible story to comfort my existence. never give up buddy this looks great
Thank you, in one of these days it will be ready in English and in three days or more after that time it will be available on the kobo reads platform.
♣♦``Soy un ser que hace varias cosas :)´´♦♣
----------------Experimental artist♥-----------------
----------------I draw with mouse :P-----------------
my pc is very bad brou....
Age 16, Male
Nada :)
Joined on 12/23/24