I don't know what surprised me the most about what I just saw.
I don't know what surprised me the most about what I just saw.
I'm still practicing ajjaja and later will be better thanks for commenting :)
that girl reminded me of coraline... cool anim btw :)
It shows that I have never used this program. but I'm very happy to have been part of this :) great job everyone♦
Your animation was good for a first time user!
Cinema. animacion de quality♦☻☻☻
grx , por si acaso ya estamos escribiendo el ep 2 asi que estate bien despiero 00
What the hell did I just see?
This cartoon is too cool! incredible work!!!!! and very good quality :), what old memories this series brings back to me ♦
simple and interesting, I will see the comic to see if I understand things a little more
this is amazing :o!!!
WTF!? poor clown ;(, btw amazing work B)
♣♦``Soy un ser que hace varias cosas :)´´♦♣
----------------Experimental artist♥-----------------
----------------I draw with mouse :P-----------------
my pc is very bad brou....
Age 16, Male
Nada :)
Joined on 12/23/24